friction free
International Center for Missing & Exploited Children
The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children website hadn't been touched since the first design in mid-90's. Content had been added ad-hoc over the years, disrupting the site navigate, and the writing was inconsistent and lacked a coherent message.
The team first took stock of ICMEC's ancient website, auditing content to evaluate the quality, as well as the organization of the site. As we sifted through the old website, we also conducted one-on-one audience interviews to better understand what users were looking from on the website.
Using these findings, we re-wrote, re-organized, and re-imagined the website content to better match audience needs, developing a robust site map that met the demands of partners, key stakeholders, and internal staff.
With a new website, ICMEC has been better able to share their work with the world, attracting more donors and partners for their essential global mission.
Visit the website at